🎠BSR | IT Security🎠
- 🖌️Adobe Photoshop
- 🎞️Animation
- 👩🎨Art Direction
- 📲Augmented Reality
- 🗨️Communication
- 📐Concept
- 🖼️Illustration
- 🤝Leadership
- 🕋Low poly
- 🕹️PlayCanvas
My role ✨ Art Director
Made with ⚡ Ufomammoot for 🚚 BSR 2018
📖 Overview
BSR tasked us with creating a digital experience, based on the characters of an interactive game that educates its employees about IT security. This project should extend the experience in Augmented Reality that we already created for them. Based on those 2 projects, I made a concept for the 3D scene and its animation. I then worked together with a 3D Artist to create and animate the scene.
🔥 Challenges
Since this project is an adaptation of 2 existing projects, a lot of work was already done (the look & feel and UX experience were adapted 1 to 1 from the previous Augmented Reality experience). Still, some adaptation from the IT project were a bit trickier to translate from 2D to 3D, like the hair of the female soldier.