📰All Articles
Project: Portfolio 2024
- 🗂️CMS: Sanity↗️
- 🗃️CMS
- 🗂️Sanity
- 🗂️Workflow
- 🗂️CMS: Which one should I choose?↗️
- 👩💻Autonomy
- 🗃️CMS
- 🗂️Sanity
- ✒️Concept↗️
- 📐Concept
- 🔥Personal project
- 📝UX Design
- 🪲Debugging Tailwind CSS↗️
- 🪲Debugging
- 🔄Refactoring
- 📖Tailwind CSS
- 🚄Performance improvements with GROQ↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 💻Code Sample
- ⏲️Performance
- 📨Performance: optimizing data transfer↗️
- 💪Improvement
- 🎓Learning
- ⏲️Performance
- ⚔️Styled Components VS Tailwind CSS↗️
- 🔎Research
- 🎁Styled Components
- 📖Tailwind CSS
- 📋User Testing Feedback↗️
- ✅Testing
- ✍️UI Design
- 📝UX Design
Project: Figures | Portfolio
- ⬆️Upgrading to Astro 4.2.4 & Node.js 20.11.0↗️
- 🚀Astro
- ⚙️Node.js
- 🕰️Project maintenance
Improving over projects
- 👩🏼🎨Communicating with the design team↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 💪Improvement
- 🫶Teamwork
- ✍️Creating a workshop on Accessibility↗️
- ♿Accessibility
- 👩🏫Mentorship
- 🫶Teamwork
- ✅Finding the right parallax mechanic↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 🎨CSS
- 💪Improvement
- 📇Improving the animation’s workflow↗️
- 🐦3D
- 🎞️Animation
- 🏆Best practices
- ⚙️Processing assets with Node.js↗️
- 💪Improvement
- ⚙️Node.js
- ⏲️Performance
- 🗒️Using personal projects for research↗️
- 🐦3D
- 💪Improvement
- 🎓Learning
Project: Heavens of Mankind
- 📚3D render order↗️
- 🐦3D
- 🔎Research
- 🗂️Workflow
- 🌌A 3D tool to explore the night sky↗️
- 🐦3D
- 💹Data Visualization
- 📝UX Design
- 🏷️Adding 2D labels to a 3D scene↗️
- 🐦3D
- 🔎Research
- 📝UX Design
- 🗂️How Craft CMS manages the tool’s content↗️
- 🗃️CMS
- 🏫Code Architecture
- 🗂️Craft CMS
- 🐞Improving HTML semantics solves bugs↗️
- 💻Code Sample
- 🪲Debugging
- 🖹HTML semantics
- 📊Tracking Your Gatsby Site with Matomo Analytics↗️
- 📈Analytics
- 💻Code Sample
- 🎓Learning
- ⬆️UX improvements for the 3D tool↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 💪Improvement
- 📝UX Design
- ⚙️Using Node.js to process data↗️
- ⚙️Node.js
- 👍Optimization
- ⏲️Performance
- 🎨Designing accessible websites↗️
- ♿Accessibility
- 🏆Best practices
- 📝UX Design
- 💬How Chat-GPT can help you write alternative textual content↗️
- 🤖AI
- 📐Concept
- 🗂️Workflow
- 📑How to create accessible text↗️
- ♿Accessibility
- 📐Concept
- 🎓Learning
- ✏️How to plan content for an accessible website↗️
- ♿Accessibility
- 🏆Best practices
- 📐Concept
- ⚔️WCAG vs BITV-test↗️
- ♿Accessibility
- 🎓Learning
- ⏳Why learning accessibility takes time↗️
- ♿Accessibility
- 💪Improvement
- 🎓Learning
- 📆30 days of web3↗️
- 🌐DApp
- 🎓Learning
- 🌐Solidity
- 🧟♀️Crypto Zombies↗️
- 🎓Learning
- 🌐Solidity
- 🌐Web3
- 👍Good practices for accessible websites↗️
- ♿Accessibility
- 🏆Best practices
- 🗂️Workflow
- 🕵️CSS Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Improving Your Code↗️
- 🎨CSS
- 💪Improvement
- 📖CSS scroll snap: a step-by-step tutorial↗️
- 🎞️Animation
- 🎨CSS
- 📓Tutorial
- 📕How to create a parallax effect with CSS↗️
- 🎞️Animation
- 🎨CSS
- 📓Tutorial
Project: Pixiji Backend
- ✅Converting the project to TypeScript↗️
- ⚙️Node.js
- 🔎Research
- ✅TypeScript
- 🐞Debugging the project↗️
- 💻Code Sample
- 🪲Debugging
- 🔥Personal project
- 🗂️Structuring the data inside of the project↗️
- 🏫Code Architecture
- 💻Code Sample
- 💪Improvement
Project: Pixiji Web Scraper
- 🪲Debugging the project↗️
- ⏳Asynchronous
- 💻Code Sample
- 🪲Debugging
- 👩🏼🎓Learning how to make a web scraper↗️
- 💻Code Sample
- 📊Data
- 🔎Research
- 🈳Research translate Kanas↗️
- 📊Data
- 🪲Debugging
- ⚙️Node.js
Project: Portfolio 2021
- 🐛Debugging the project↗️
- 🪲Debugging
- 🔥Personal project
- 🔎Research
- 💭
- 🟦Research: materials & textures↗️
- 🐦3D
- 🔎Research
- ✍️UI Design
Project: Pixiji
- 🗁Converting a project from React to Gatsby↗️
- 💻Code Sample
- 🟣Gatsby
- 🌸React
- 🐜Debugging (Gatsby)↗️
- 🪲Debugging
- 🟣Gatsby
- 🔥Personal project
- 🐛Debugging (animation)↗️
- 🪲Debugging
- 🗒️Process
- 🔎Research
- 🐞Debugging testing↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 🪲Debugging
- 🔎Research
- 🪲Debugging the project↗️
- 🪲Debugging
- 🗒️Process
- 🔎Research
- 🈹How to gather the Kanjis dataset↗️
- 📊Data
- 🔎Research
- 🗂️Workflow
- ⏲️Improving performance↗️
- 🟣Gatsby
- ⏲️Performance
- 🔎Research
- 🖼️Research process to create the interactive illustrations↗️
- 🖼️Illustration
- 💪Improvement
- 🔎Research
- 📝Research: best practices in this project↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 🔎Research
- 🗂️Workflow
- 🖳Research: code architecture↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 🏫Code Architecture
- 🔎Research
- 🗂️Research: how to organize the quiz data in Redux↗️
- 🏫Code Architecture
- 📊Data
- 🔎Research
- ☑️Research: testing concept↗️
- 🏆Best practices
- 🔎Research
- ✅Testing
Project: Dino 404
- 🐜Debugging the project↗️
- 🪲Debugging
- 🔥Personal project
- 🔎Research
- 🦟Random problems↗️
- 🔥Personal project
- 🔎Research
- 🦖Research process to animate the T-rex↗️
- 🎞️Animation
- 🎓Learning
- 🔎Research
- 💡Research: material & lights↗️
- 🐦3D
- 🔎Research
- ✍️UI Design
- 🌵Research: obstacles↗️
- 🐦3D
- 🔎Research
- 📝UX Design
- ⏲️Research: performance↗️
- 🐦3D
- ⏲️Performance
- 🔎Research