🚀Portfolio 2024🚀
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- 🐦3D
- 🗃️CMS
- 📐Concept
- 🎨Figma
- 🐱GitHub (public repository)
- 🔼Next.js
- 🔥Personal project
- 🌸React
- 🐣React Fiber
- 🗂️Sanity
- 📖Tailwind CSS
- 🐓Three.js
- ✅TypeScript
- ✍️UI Design
- 📝UX Design
My role 🦄 Concept + Design + Code
🔥 Personal project 🔥 2023 - Present
📖 Overview
This portfolio allows me to communicate the skills I have gained over the years, and show the projects that I've worked on.
🔥 Challenges
As a personal project, keeping its scope realistic was a must. To answer this constraint, I created a small MVP, and kept adding features. Since I also need to be able to update its content quickly, I mainly use assets that are easy to create (each project only has 1 image and 1 text description, along with a few links and skill badges). This is also why I use so many emojis through the website, they give me an easy way to add a lot of illustrations.