🛒eBay | Retail Report | 2017🛒
- 📏Adobe Illustrator
- 🖌️Adobe Photoshop
- 🎞️Animation
- 👩🎨Art Direction
- 🗨️Communication
- 🖼️Illustration
- 🤝Leadership
- 🕋Low poly
- 🕹️PlayCanvas
My role ✨ Art Director
Made with ⚡ Ufomammoot for 🛒 eBay 2017
📖 Overview
For the year 2017, our agency was tasked with creating a website for eBay’s yearly Retail Report (which informs its users on the most popular articles eBay sold this year). For this project, I was originally tasked with creating illustrations for the look and feel, to present to the client.
Once the client chose the Look & Feel of the project, I created concepts for the 3D object and also worked on their texture, and their animations. I worked in collaboration with a 3D artist to decide the shape of the models and how they should be animated.
🔥 Challenges
This project Look & Feel was based on making every shape, as close to a cube as possible, and extremely low poly. This was a lot of fun to work on, but required some ingenuity to keep every object's most important characteristics, to make them recognizable with a minimalistic style using only the colors from eBay's CI.