🌐An Intro to Blockchain🌐
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- 📡Axios
- 📐Concept
- 🪲Debugging
- 🎨Figma
- 🐱GitHub (public repository)
- 🇬🇧i18next
- 💻JavaScript
- 🤝Leadership
- 🎓Learning
- 👩🏫Mentorship
- 🌸React
- 🗀Redux
- 🐓Three.js
- ✍️UI Design
- 📝UX Design
My role 🦄 Concept + Design + Code
Made with ⏰ O’clock 2020 - 2021
📖 Overview
An intro to blockchain is a personal project I made while doing a programming BootCamp at O’clock.
Knowing that we would need to spend a month on a project, at the end of the BootCamp, I decided to create the concept and design in advance. I chose an educational website about blockchain since I was trying to learn more about it in 2020, and I thought if I spent time gathering content manually, I might as well learn something in the process.
After creating the concept and design, I worked on the Frontend part of the website, along with 2 other students from the BootCamp, while another made the Backend.